Free Kayaking Come and Try Day

1st November 2009

Ages: 10 years and up

Time: 10.00am - 3.00pm

Penrith Whitewater Stadium
McCarthy’s Lane, Cranebrook

Penrith Whitewater Stadium is celebrating its 10th anniversary in November. To mark this milestone and close Active Penrith month, the community will be invited to celebrate with free entry into the stadium (excluding whitewater channel).

Go for a paddle on the lake, try out different boats and equipment, get tips from some of the best paddlers in Australia, see demonstrations in canoe polo, sprint, slalom and freestyle, and meet the local canoe clubs. Bring your family and friends and clothes to get wet in (foot protection required).

For more information contact Penrith Whitewater Stadium on:

Phone: 02 4730 4333
